History of management thought (Ph.D. / PG)
Qualitative research methods in management (Ph.D. / PG)
Management and organisation (MBA / Exec. MBA / PG)
Recent academic and administrative experiences
Organiser of the 1st National Business and Management History Conference, 2018, Istanbul University School of Business
Chairman & head of the organising team of the 12th Corporate Research Responsibility Conference (CRR Conference), 2016, organised by Istanbul University School of Business in association with KEDGE Business School (France) and the Sustainability Research Group at the University of Leeds (UK)
Founding director of the Ph.D. programme in Business Management (in English language) at Istanbul University
Academic trainer at Turquality Management Development Programme — a joint programme by Istanbul University Continuous Training, Development & Research Centre, Sabancı University, Bilkent University and Koç University with the support of the Ministry of Economy and the Turkish Exporters Assembly
Head of the Roadmap24 IUSB Strategic Planning Team, 2014
Spokesperson at the Eduniversal Conference, Istanbul 2014; Istanbul University School of Business: Economic and social effects
Member of the IUSB AACSB International (the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) accreditation team
Editorial board memberships
2015-2018 European Management Review (Associate editor)
2014-2018 Istanbul Business Research (f.k.a. Istanbul University Journal of the School of Business, Editor-in-chief)