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Recent publications


  • Berber A., Ozturk M.B., Acar A.G. (2023, in press) "Outlanders at Work: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Foreign IT Professionals’ Work Experiences in Germany", Human Relations, (AJG4, DOI: 10.1177/00187267231182774)

  • Berber, A., Findikli, M. A., Marescaux, E., Rofcanin, Y., Mughal, F., Swart, J. (2022, in press) "Exploring the effects of reduced load work arrangements (RLWAs): The role of individual autonomy and workplace level justice perceptions", European Management Journal.

  • Usman, M., Ali, M., Soetan, G. T., Ayoko, O. B., Berber, A. (2022, in press) "Seeing others’ side to serve: Understanding how and when servant leadership impacts employee knowledge-hiding behaviors", Human Relations, (AJG4, DOI: 10.1177/00187267221125353)

  • Berber A., Harding N., Mughal F. (2022) "Instrumentality and influence of Fayol's doctrine: History, politics and emotions in two post-war settings", Business History, vol.64, no.7, pp.1281-1294 (AJG4, DOI: 10.1080/00076791.2020.1804877) link

  • Ozturk M.B., Berber A. (2022) "Racialised professionals' experiences of selective incivility in organisations: A multi-level analysis of subtle racism", Human Relations, vol.75, no.2, pp.213-239 (AJG4, DOI: 10.1177/0018726720957727) link

  • Berber A., Acar A.G. (2021) "Power crafting at work: A phenomenological study on individual differences", Human Relations, vol.74, no.11, pp.1889-1915 (AJG4, DOI: 10.1177/0018726720942828) link

  • Berber A. (2021) "Defining inclusionary intelligence: A conceptual framework with a constructivist perspective", Management Decision, vol.59, no.11, pp.2606-2619 (DOI: 10.1108MD-01-2019-0144) link

  • Rofcanin, Y., Las Heras, M., Bosch, M. J., Berber, A., Mughal, F., & Ozturk, M. (2021). Servant leadership and family supportiveness: Looking into employees’ work and family outcomes. Journal of Business Research, vol.128, pp.70-82.

  • Rofcanin Y., Bakker A., Berber A., Golgeci I., Las Heras M. (2019) "Relational job crafting: Exploring the role of employee motives with a weekly diary study", Human Relations, vol.72, no.4, pp.859-886 (AJG4, DOI: 10.1177/0018726718779121)

  • Rofcanin Y., Berber A., Marescaux E., Bal P.M., Mughal F, Findikli M. (2019) "Human resource differentiation: A theoretical paper integrating co-workers’ perspective and context", Human Resource Management Journal, vol.29, no.2, pp.270-286 (AJG 4) DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12224

  • Yılmaz Börekçi D., Las Heras M., Rofcanin Y., Berber A. (2021) “Deconstructing organizational resilience: A multiple-case study”, Journal of Management and Organization, vol.27, no.3, pp.422-441 (AJG2, DOI: 10.1017/jmo.2018.72)

  • Rofcanin Y., Berber A., Koch S., Sevinç L. (2016) "Job crafting and I-deals: a study testing the nomological network of proactive behaviors", International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol.27, no.22, pp.2695-2726 (AJG3)

  • Berber A. (2016) “100 Yıl Öncesine Bir Yolculuk: ‘Genel ve Endüstriyel Yönetim’ ve Fransa’da Fayolizm-Taylorizm Kutuplaşması (Going Back in Time 100 Years: ‘General and Industrial Management’ and the Fayolism-Taylorism Dichotomy in France)”, Istanbul University Journal of the School of Business, vol.45, Special Issue, pp.118-132

  • Berber A. (2016) “Purpose, change and top management in the mid-1920s: Revisiting selected papers presented at the meetings of the Taylor Society”, Organizational Management: Policies & Practices in a Global Market, Machado C, Davim JP (Eds.), Palgrave: pp.15-30.


Research interests

the individual at work

history of management

critical management studies

inclusion at work

power at work

manager-employee interactions

role of context in OB & HRM

qualitative research in management

history of management thought

contemporary theories in management

organisational theory

power & leading

networks and organisational network analysis

complex systems and chaos theory

proactive work behaviour

Aykut Berber © 2023

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